The Digital Overwhelm: Choosing Authenticity
There are so many trends on social media. Reels, stories, posts, TikTok, and then there are the challenges, the in with this and out with that trending sounds. It's a lot to keep up with…
My 2024 Unpacked
Every year, I make a spectacle of reviewing the year past. What happened, what accomplishments did I have, what joys did I experience, and what pains did I endure? This year is no different. In true form, it is December 31, and I'm unpacking the baggage of 2024…
A Reimagined Christmas with the Kranks
You know the holiday movie classic, "Christmas with the Kranks?" The premise is that the husband and wife pull out all the stops for Christmas every year, from multiple ornate gifts to donations to specific organizations to hosting a massive Christmas party. It's tradition, and they never break tradition…
A tale of life and the one I want to have, as seen in my closet...
What is it with women’s clothes? There are trends, styles, and shoes that are meant to go with this one specific pair of pants that only look right with this one shirt that literally goes with nothing else, but you needed it for an event, so here we are....
Our Journey to RV Life: From Dream to Reality
Imagine this:
You're sitting in your recliner, sipping a cup of warm coffee, watching the sun rise above the trees over a distant mountain range. Two months ago, the scenery where you sat was the same, but instead, you were watching the sun rise over the beach. Before that, you were just outside a major city. Before that, in the desert. This isn't a mere vacation - it's your ever-changing backyard because you have afforded yourself and your future that option...
Spring 2024 - Carrying On At Home
…I'm not that girl, though. This isn't about excuses but embracing renewal, spring, and the promise of a brighter future. It's about moving forward in the sunshine, undeterred by the rain storms of yesterday.
Why You Should Make a "101 Things in 1001 Days" List
We all want to accomplish things in life - learn a new skill, read more books, travel to a new country, finally organize that closet, and so on. Getting around to doing those things can be tricky. Life has a way of getting in the way of doing anything. You know that phrase, life is just a series of obstacles preventing me from reading my book. Yup, so true…
February 2024 - Carrying On At Home
February brings all the thoughts of love. We celebrate Valentine's Day, Black History Month, and Ash Wednesday this month. Each has its own title and purpose, but the echo of love runs deep. In the dance of daily life, we find solace and joy in the moments we share together. Yet, there's pure magic beyond the routine discovered in our journeys together…
Winter Magic: The Ultimate Bucket List to Fight the Winter Woes
Let me tell you, winter is a time. It's a party going from October through December. You have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and all the festivities associated with their respective holidays. Costume contests, trick or treating, fall festivals, Thanksgiving dinner, and then, of course, the big one, CHRISTMAS; family and friends surround you, and no matter who you are, you are busy and unbelievably consistently active. It's worth it, though; you're making memories, right?
Summer Bliss: Your Lifestyle Guide to a Romanticized Summer Experience
"Romanticizing your life" means taking the time to appreciate and find beauty in the everyday moments that we often take for granted. It's about finding the magic in small experiences, like how the sun shines through the trees on a walk or the sound of the rain tapping on the window. By intentionally seeking joy and wonder in these present moments, we can transform the mundane into something special and memorable, cultivating gratitude and fulfillment. It's about infusing our lives with purpose and meaning and finding ways to make even the most ordinary moments feel extraordinary.
Unqualified: Part 2
A few times a year, I look back at where I am in life and take stock. What makes me happy? What's no longer bringing me joy? What even is joy to me? Where am I failing myself? Consistently, I arrive at the conclusion that I need to rebrand myself and my ambitions. If I change the pillars of my day-to-day life, it will get better. The stress will disappear, and my immense pressure will dissipate into the abyss. You can imagine what happens…
Dear Khylee…
There are so many things I want to tell you about life. The battle of parenting is when. When are the stories of pain, disarray, and growth as a girl evolving into a woman appropriate for you to learn? How should I go about it?
lay in bed at night staring up at the ceiling fan; even in the darkness, I know it needs cleaning, just like the baseboards, the window panes, and my desk at work. It all mounts on top of one another, the thoughts of what I need to do and what I'm not doing well. Every day I leave and contend with students who are forced into sitting in the seats I provide for them. I sing for my supper. Try to make it enjoyable, bring in pieces that intrigue them, and make the material more fun and obtainable. Then I go home and read the boring parts that are supposed to educate me, to make me a better teacher for them. "Honey, what's for dinner?" "Mom, I need