Summer Bliss: Your Lifestyle Guide to a Romanticized Summer Experience


Definition of "romanticizing your life."

It's summer! A time for sunshine, lazy days on the beach, cookouts or garden parties, and beautiful blooms. One of the trademarks of a summer lifestyle is savoring or romanticizing life. The question is, what exactly does that mean?

"Romanticizing your life" means taking the time to appreciate and find beauty in the everyday moments that we often take for granted. It's about finding the magic in small experiences, like how the sun shines through the trees on a walk or the sound of the rain tapping on the window. By intentionally seeking joy and wonder in these present moments, we can transform the mundane into something special and memorable, cultivating gratitude and fulfillment. It's about infusing our lives with purpose and meaning and finding ways to make even the most ordinary moments feel extraordinary.

Purpose of this lifestyle guide

I've put together this little lifestyle guide for the fellow girly girl looking to start intentionally romanticizing her experience this summer. Whether you love a softer aesthetic or appreciate a beautiful dress, arts, and culture daily, this guide is for you. Let's walk through summer together with grace, style, and romance.

1. Create a dreamy summer bucket list

I'm a big believer in the bucket list, and summer is the perfect time to embrace your inner child while indulging in a little bit of fantasy. Live out your favorite romance film by creating a dream for yourself on paper, then execute it. Your bucket list can be as straightforward or complex as you like, but the key is to make it personal and meaningful.

When creating your summer bucket list, it's essential to think about the things that make you happy and bring you joy. Here are a few ideas from mine to get you started:

  1. Plan a picnic in the park. Bring along some delicious food, a cozy blanket, and your favorite book.

  2. Take a weekend trip to a nearby city or town. Explore the local culture, try new foods, and make memories.

  3. Spend a day at the beach. Build a sandcastle, splash in the waves, and soak up the sun.

  4. Go on a hiking adventure. Find a beautiful trail, pack a backpack with snacks and water, and enjoy the great outdoors.

  5. Host a backyard barbecue or pool party (even a mini inflatable pool works!). Invite your friends and family over for some delicious food, refreshing drinks, and lots of laughs.

  6. Go on a road trip to a botanical garden or flower farm. Plan a day, pack a bag, and hit the road for a beautiful day out.

  7. Spend a day reading in a cozy hammock. The breeze swaying beneath you, a novel in hand, it truly is one of the best summer feelings.

2. Explore seasonal flavors for a culinary adventure

Summer is a time of bounty, with abundant fresh produce and seasonal ingredients available. Meaning it is the perfect opportunity to fall in love with cooking. This time of year, we have so much control over the freshness of our ingredients, allowing us to make healthier choices, which for me makes it even more enjoyable for me.

Spend the time exploring the hallmarks of summer cooking. Berries of all types are high in antioxidants with a touch of sweetness. Rich and juicy tomatoes seem to mitigate into every meal and have been proven to reduce the risk of cancer. Grilling is a quintessential summer activity and a great way to add simple flavors to vegetables. Then there's the myriad of fresh herbs growing in my garden and available at the Farmer's Market. I always come home with a bunch of something new to try for a burst of fresh flavor.

3. Work on your personal aesthetic

How you present yourself to the world, or as we know it, your personal aesthetic, reflects your personality, interests, and values. Even more so, it can significantly impact your confidence and self-esteem. I struggle with this, especially when I do not fully appreciate my body in the way I look and feel in my own skin. This is why it was one of the goals I set for myself in December 2023 was to find my personal aesthetic and love my body for how in the now, no more striving. MAN, did that little goal sprout wings this year! Finding your personal aesthetic is a journey that requires self-reflection, experimentation, and creativity. Now, 6 months in, I've finally identified my personal aesthetic, and it's time to wholly lean into not what's cute and trending but what's me.

Summer, when the whole you is on display, is the perfect time to explore and dive into what your personal aesthetic is. What brings you joy, and when you look at it, it screams... yeah, that's me? I will be diving head first into this later, but for now here's some pointers.

  • Identify your body type: Knowing your body type is vital to finding clothing that fits and flatters your figure. Take your measurements and research to find the best clothing styles for your body type. For instance, I have discovered I am a Soft Gamine with Ingenue Essence and a Deep Winter. Doing the work helps!

  • Look for inspiration: Browse Pinterest, Instagram, fashion, and home decor blogs to gather inspiration for your space and body. Pay attention to colors, patterns, and textures that catch your eye.

  • Consider your lifestyle: Your personal aesthetic should be practical and functional. Consider your lifestyle and incorporate pieces that work for you.

  • Choose a color palette: Your palette should reflect your personality and style. If you're drawn to bright and bold colors, consider incorporating them in ways that fit you. If you prefer a more subdued palette, consider neutral colors with pops of color.

  • Experiment with styles: Be bold, try new styles, and experiment with different looks. If you've always worn jeans and T-shirts, try incorporating more dresses and skirts into your wardrobe. If you've never worn bold prints, try incorporating them in small doses to see how they work for you. I'm a dress person, a little bit by necessity and a bit by personal preference. Also, I lean towards the 50s and 60s style with a modern twist, so I'm incorporating more of that!

4. Explore the Joy of Slow Living

It's easy to get caught up in the rush of everyday life. We all do it, and in the constant juggling of multiple responsibilities, always being on the move, and rarely taking a moment to breathe and appreciate the present moment, we (myself included) fall apart. That's why slow living has become increasingly popular, and summer, with longer days, is the perfect time to practice. Slow living is all about savoring simple moments and taking the time to do things that feed your soul.

When we slow down and take the time to appreciate the present moment, we're more likely to feel calm, relaxed, and centered. This can help reduce stress and anxiety and improve our overall mood. Similarly, when we're constantly on the go, we're more likely to experience burnout and fatigue. We can recharge our batteries and feel more energized by slowing down and resting. It doesn't even have to be something big; you know how I discussed a morning routine? My morning routine is slow, living at its finest, and focused. Allowing myself to pour into myself and pursue little tidbits of the day that bring me joy and fulfillment; sometimes, it's not even practical. Ambient music is not necessarily necessary but brings me joy, so it plays on.

5. Travel someplace Whimsical just because you can.

Yes, I touched on this in the dreamy bucket list, but I am Carry-On Britt, and who would I be without a luggage necessary summer lifestyle goal? Summer is the perfect time to embark on a new adventure. Whether it's a charming small town, a fairytale-inspired castle, or a colorful beach town, whimsical destinations can transport you to another world and create unforgettable memories.

What makes a destination whimsical? Simple, one that's out of the ordinary and evokes a sense of magic and wonder. Think small towns with charming streets and quirky architecture, places with fairytale-like qualities, beach towns with colorful houses and unique attractions., or theme parks with fantastical rides and attractions. Chances are, with a quick Google search, you can find someplace near you with at least some of these qualities to escape to for a summer weekend.


Summer is about cultivating gratitude and fulfillment, infusing our lives with purpose and meaning, and finding ways to make even the most ordinary moments feel special. Magic thrives where you create it and I’m sure you can create the perfect version of the summer of your dreams if you just make a plan and believe.


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